

Professor McEthical is a groundbreaking concept in the field of artificial intelligence and education, serving as the world's first AI Ethics Copilot. Created by Professor Christopher Sanchez and his team, Professor McEthical is designed to assist in understanding the complex issues surrounding artificial intelligence, AI Ethics, generative AI, artificial general intelligence, and labor impacts.

An AI Copilot

Professor McEthical is an AI Copilot who works alongside you in your pursuit of understanding complex matters. McEthical can help users reason complex topics, design AI Ethics Frameworks, understand international regulations, and craft solutions for specific companies/industries in different regions.

Currently, Professor McEthical is in its second version as of September 2023.

Why did we make Professor McEthical?

All great endeavors start with excellent questions. The better the questions, the better answers, and most importantly, the better the outcomes will be. Asking the right question has never been more critical than right now as we consider how we will develop our lives, companies, and societies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.

Questions such as: How do I succeed in the Era of Artificial Intelligence? How do I develop an Ethical AI system or company? Where should I start? How do I keep from being automated? How do I make an AI Ethics Framework? These are just some of the questions this system will answer for you. (Hopefully, with minimal errors.)

The ethics, risks, and challenges surrounding artificial intelligence, generative AI, and other emerging tech capabilities have caused governments, large companies, academic institutions, NGOs, individuals, and many others to start thinking about their future with these powerful models. What are my rights? How should I develop an ethical AI system? How do I put in guardrails? What are the risks? And many other questions that we need to start answering concretely.

If you are a researcher, you can share your data with us; if you are looking to put AI into your organization, let us know how it works for you; and if you are an individual starting your AI ethics journey, let us know what you think.

This AI Ethics Copilot is a work in progress, and we need everyone to participate to make this work.

Be sure to visit to learn more about our other work in ethical AI.

  • Absolutely! We’d love to include your work. You can submit it for inclusion at the bottom of this page.

  • The system will vary between ChatGPT 3.5, 3.5-16k, and 4 depending on the query complexity.

  • If you ask the system a question and it gives you a wrong answer, be sure to write down your prompt, the answer it gave you, and, most importantly, what it should have answered.

    Share the info with us, and we’ll have the model updated.

  • The goal for this model is for it to start to reflect the ethical views, positions, preferences, etc., of the users, regions, and cultures over time.

    With your feedback, we will be able to train a very cool model for more people to use as they start to think about the essential topic of AI and AI Ethics.

We want to make developing an ethical and responsible AI system as simple, straightforward, and cost-effective as possible. We believe that the future of the world depends on companies, investors, governments, institutions, universities, and individuals having access to the knowledge and tools to develop the future we all want to live in. Professor McEthical takes the best of academia, business, regulations, ethics, and makes them operational for users at the click of a button.

Join the Project

Interested in working joining the McEthical Project? Send us your info, your research, or insights and we’ll be in touch shortly.